Neighbor Kwa Jirani Foundation
The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
Mahatma Gandhi

The Amani Primary School, located in Migori County Kenya, accepts only orphaned children into it’s student body. This completely free school for orphaned children makes quality education possible for the most vulnerable in Kenyan society. It seeks to invest in the next generation of Kenyans.

Malaria, Diarrhoeal Diseases, and Respiratory Diseases are among the leading causes of death in children in this part of Kenya. Because of this, the Foundation sponsors free community healthcare clinics and prevention programs for children, expectant mothers and the elderly.

In a country of over 50 million, the per capita income is close to $2,000 and 40% of rural household earn the international poverty wage of about $2 per day. The local economy is improved through economic development and the creation of good paying, stable jobs that allow workers to feed their families.